Something silly...

I felt like making something silly and stupid today, so I went to a Skillshare class I hadn’t yet played with yet. Mike Lowery is the artist - he is worth a journey to his site if you like fun drawings. The class was seven ways to be creative in your sketchbook. I did five of them. Haven’t done the bug party, but it’s quite intriguing to me. Still thinking about what to do about those tattoos I’m supposed to be imagining on my body. Hmmm….

  1. Blob monsters. You may already know how much I love making animals and creatures from blobs, sidewalk cracks, and stains, so this was right up my alley.


2. Weird animals. THIS was a blast because I found out there are A LOT of weird, actual animals in the world. He suggested we google “weird animals” and lo and behold! The first one I saw was the one I had to draw.

3. Draw icons. His example was to think of all the camping things you could and draw them. But I did chairs. Chairs in our house and chairs from my memory.

4. An imaginary treehouse. I could have been more creative here, I think, but was running out of juice. A castle in a forest tree might have been better. Oh, well.

5. Oh, and flying things.

Sometimes it’s just fun to draw, you know.