July marathon.

I have such a backlog of things I’ve been wanting to show and share with you. So I’m taking on the sometimes-notsomuch-annual every-day-in-July posting again. I so believe in looking for daily jewels-of-life - art, books, travel, friendship - especially in these times of worry and divide. My goal on this blog and site has always been to find and honor those jewels. So many of my posts this month will include look-backs at some previous posts, because those jewels don’t go away, you know?

As usual, this is a self-inflicted wound (hahah, you know I don’t really mean that!) - self-imposed challenge, so I’ll go for it, but you’ll understand when I miss a day or two. Besides, by the end of the month, you’ll be ready for me to leave the room for awhile. Fish and guests, you know.

Five years ago when I moved my site and remodeled it, I did an everyday in July post to celebrate the move. I thought I might be fun to check back. It’s only five years, but you know as well as I do, that change happens fast in this current time, faster than we can handle sometimes.

July 2, 2017

July, 2022

I truly believe one of the jewels of life, certainly of summer, is a garden to sit in and ponder life…or just what to make for dinner.

July 3, 2017. Painting a table. And the video about it. The table is still around, sometimes needing a touchup from fading, but all in all, still providing cheer.

From a late June post at the old site. Still.

Art brings us together as a family because it is an individual expression of universal human experience. It comes from that part of us that is without fear, prejudice, malice or any of the other things that we create in order to separate ourselves one from the other.
— Jessye Norman

And posted July 3, 2015. In case you missed it, wink wink. I was on a roll that day. Moo.

