Flo-B, Rock Star

Here’s the last of the July birthday Difference-Makers in my series of five. A couple of people asked what media I used for each of these difference approaches. I’ve listed them below if you are interested.

I thought the video about Florence is especially fun.

I have considerable pride in the fact that some of the best work done in geology today by women, ranking with that done by men, has been done by my students.
— Florence Bascom

I am learning new techniques in a 30 Faces class or re-visiting some old familiar ones.

Day 1/Ball: all digital, watercolor brushes with Procreate app on iPad Pro

Day 2/Jennings: all digital, gouache brushes/Procreate

Day 3/Yalow: ink on paper, ink washes added digitally

Day 4/Mexia: drawn on Procreate collaged with a photo

Day5/Bascom: colored pencil on paper; shading done with only blue, red, purple, and green pencils