The 2021 Calendar is here ...(almost)!

I pondered quite a bit before deciding on this year’s theme, but then our two cats folded their arms in patient disgust and told me they had waited TOO long to exact revenge on the DOGS! in the Best Friends 2018 Calendar. It was about time, they said. (Oh, yes, they did!) Knowing who is ultimately Boss, I willingly and with the utmost pleasure began to pull together some cats in paint, pen, collage, and bytes. Some cats are real and their humans have graciously lent their images to me for this venture. The others are from my imagination. Once again, my calendar leans on the whimsical rather than the serious, and I tried to portray the personality - stereotypical or not - of our beloved pussy cats.

The calendar “MEOW” will be ready and shipped around November 15th, but it is ready for purchase at an early bird pre-order price. If you are reading this as a blog subscriber, a customer or client, or are on the mailing list (or have landed here for any other reason - and thank you for that!) you can take advantage of a lower price in both calendar and mailing. Pre-orders are very helpful to me, so I am eager to offer this option to help me determine quantities to print and to support initial costs of the calendar.

Pre-order prices are good to November 12. After that, the calendar will be at the shop at the regular $20.00 price plus 3.25 mailing fee. If you order early, you’ll get the calendar for $18.00 plus 2.00 per item mailing charge = a flat 20.00 per calendar (plus applicable sales tax.) You can order at the shop starting now.

If you are local and do not need it mailed, please apply the code NOSHIP2021 at checkout in the discount code box. That goes for both pre-orders and regular purchases.

The calendar is in the traditional 5 x 7 format, ready for framing or desktop. This will be my seventh calendar of mixed media art created in the One Red Chair Studio. I welcome new customers and I do so appreciate those who have supported this in the past. Thank you both!

Here is a preview video. It’s a quickie, and I hope just enough to tease you. The calendar is still a work in progress (but almost there!) Some images are initial drafts, or are not attached to a month yet, or may be revised for the final calendar. Not every image will make it to the final calendar, nor are all the images in the preview. However, I hope it will give you enough information to get a taste of what’s in store.

Please note: the video has a November 10 deadline for Early Bird price, but since I’m posting this a few days later than planned, I have extended that to November 12.

Diane Moline1 Comment