The Eyes Have It

My creative funk has thankfully left the building and I am hyped up again to make and share some art.

On my way to something else, I happened to revisit a favorite website for iPad users called, a really delightful place to hang out for Lisa Bardot’s cheery tutorials on using her brushes on an iPad but also general drawing tips both off and on a device. (You know…pencil and paper!)

This month she’s featuring skills for drawing people. Wanna try?

Oh, yes. I heard you

But I can’t draw anything! You said it. I heard you.

Here’s the thing. Follow her tutorials, (links below), or my simple versions of them here (I plan to do a limited series) and you, too, will see that you can draw. Haven’t you always wanted to draw, say, an eye?

We won’t go realistic here. Instead, the light, unthreatening, sometimes goofy stylized eyes. There are a few elements that make any eye recognizable. Grab a pencil and play.


In her tutorial, Lisa makes 30 eyes, so I decided to try the same thing with my own, using only those elements. (Imagine what one could do with some eyebrows, wrinkles, and some sparkle…)

And to further my investigation into the subject of the day, I practiced my newly-acquired animation skills. It’s pretty scratchy and unrefined, but it’ll do for a quickie.


So what do you think? With a pencil and paper, couldn’t you make a few eyes. Later on, we’ll delve into noses and other unremarkable but absolutely necessary body parts. Kid-friendly, as always.

This was my original inspiration:

how to draw an eye - Bardot series

People Skills home page:

Image in header copyright-free from The British Library

As always, I love comments. Perhaps you could share your eye(s)! A reminder that all you need is a name to post the comment after writing it. You don’t need to have anything else.