Moving furniture

I have been busy this past month preparing for a new design for the blog and website. I am like Lucy Ricardo. I need to move the furniture around occasionally.

The new site and blog can be reached using either of these addresses: or  As always, you will find the stuff of life I love to talk about over coffee or wine with friends: art, books, play, learning, travel, favorite places (both IRL and URL) and the daily amazing. I'm also making new things in the studio, some of which will be available in the shop at the site by the end of the summer.

To celebrate the unveiling on July 5, I have promised myself to post something either to the blog or website every day in July. Barring emergencies or events I can't predict or schedule, I'll post on the new site. Archives to the old blog will be readily available. It would be foolish to toss out nine years of groundbreaking posting (wink wink.)

So what do I have that much to say about? Well, here are a few things that could come up:

We are building our backyard garden. This is how we started:

I am discovering the wonderful trails around our neighborhood now that warm mornings have arrived (which took an excruciatingly long time this year):

I am discovering the wonderful trails around our neighborhood now that warm mornings have arrived (which took an excruciatingly long time this year):

trail bench1

I am creating next  year's calendar, Baby Boomer Toys. I posted a month previously here. Another peek:

I am painting this former kitchen table, now patio table. Alisa Burke's whimsical and wonderful flower lines will be my inspiration. Watch its progression:

table 1